Saturday, July 30, 2005

25 Juni 2.27pm: Tarian orang Batak / Batak dance~ Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 29, 2005

25 Juni 2.29pm: Pesta pernikahan Orang Batak / Wedding ceremony of the Batak people~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 2.38pm: Florence dengan anak Bu Situmorang / Florence with Mrs Situmorang's daughter~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 3.07pm: Ibu Situmorang dengan anak perempuannya / Mrs Situmorang with her daughter~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 4.34pm: Aku dengan Mas Yoyok di kantornya / Me with Yoyok in his office~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 4.35pm: Florence di luar ruang Sulawesi / Florence outside Sulawesi room~ Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 25, 2005

25 Juni 4.36pm: Aku di kampus dengan pohon kesayanganku / Me @ campus with my favourite tree~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 4.40pm: Gardu di kampus USD / Guardhouse @ USD Campus~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 4.41pm: Tempat parkir untuk sepeda motor di kampus USD / Carpark for motorcycles in USD campus~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 4.41pm: Tanam-tanaman di Kampus USD / Plants in USD Campus~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 4.41pm: Jalan beratap di Kampus USD / Corridor @ USD Campus~ Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 23, 2005

25 Juni 7.18pm Lalu lintas macet di sekitar Tugu Jogja / Heavy Traffic surrounding the Jogja Tugu Monument~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 7.21pm Aku di depan Tugu yg terkenal di Jogja / Me in front of the famous Jogja Tugu monument~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 7.26pm: Warung Gudeg yg dimilik Bu Widodo (bukan ibu kosku!!) / Ibu Widodo's Gudeg (young jackfruit cocked in coconut milk with spices) Stall Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 9.47pm: Yoyok di rumahnya merasa ngantuk / Yoyok at home feeling sleepy~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 9.47pm: Yoyok, Arie dan aku di rumah Yoyok / Yoyok, Arie & I at Yoyok's house~ Posted by Picasa

25 Juni 9.48pm: Florence, Arie dan aku di rumah Yoyok / Florence, Arie & I at Yoyok's place~ Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 22, 2005

26 Juni 0009hrs: Cheers~ Posted by Picasa

26 Juni 0011hrs: Bir Bintang, bir yang paling bagus.. / The Best Beer in Town: Bintang Beer~ Posted by Picasa

26 Juni 0019hrs: Yoyok dan Yusuke lagi beli bir dan makanan kecil di Circle K / Yoyok & Yusuke buying beer & snacks in Circle K Shop~ Posted by Picasa

26 Juni 0333hrs: Tidur... Mas Yoyok lagi fikir tentang apa? / Sleep... Posted by Picasa

26 Juni 0334hrs: Semuanya sudah penat / Everyone's tired! Posted by Picasa

26 Juni 0745hrs: Matahari sudah terbit, kok Mas Yusuke masih tidur? / Yusuke sleeping... Posted by Picasa

26 Juni 1402hrs: Mas Rio sedang menyetir / Rio driving us to Kasongan to see potteries, then to Parangtritis Beach~ Posted by Picasa

26 Juni 1402hrs: Jalan Gejayan, rumahku! / Gejayan Road, my home! Posted by Picasa